DARE Blue Line Edition
The DARE Blue Lines give insight in advocacy and training in the fields of education for democratic citizenship and human rights education. Click on the image for more information.
Digital Toolbox Competendo
Our platform Competendo shares experiences, methods and inspiration for (digital) competence-based democracy learning. It is also presenting handbooks, tools and other sources from across Europe.

- Tool: Training Design Step-by-Step
- Blue Lines: Linking Citizenship and Employability
- Card Game: Competences for Democratic Culture
- Guide: Networking and Collaboration
- Guide: Assessment and recognition in formal and non-formal learning in entrepreneurship education
- Guide: How can EntreComp support Women’s Entrepreneurship?
- Facilitator handbook: Learning the digital
- Guide: EntreComp in Youth Work and Non-formal Learning
- Competences for Democratic Culture and non-formal Education
- Smart City – Smart Teaching – Our Reader Series about Digital Transformation
- Publication: Translating European Values into Practice
- Publication: STEPS -Survival Toolkit for EDC in Post-factual Societies
- Publication: Learning democracy with children aged 8-12 – Vol. II: Handbook for Educators
- Publication: Learning democracy with children aged 8-12 – Vol. I
- Games: S+intro and ja!do
- EDC for All – Qualifying and Mainstreaming Education for Democratic Citizenship in Europe
- Demanding Fundamental Rights: Law Related Education in Adult Learning
- Innovative Approaches to Overcome Discrimination of Vulnerable Groups
- A Europe of Active Citizens: Assessment, Policy Responses and Recommendations on Active Citizenship Education
- Tackling Poverty and Social Exlusion by means of Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights