The Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe (DARE) Network is a Europe-wide network devoted to promote active democratic citizenship and human rights through formal education, non-formal and informal education, and life-long learning. It inclueds primarily NGOs, academic institutions and training providers . DARE was officially launched on 28 June 2003 in Antwerp.

DARE is registered in Belgium (Ondernemingsnummer: 480.114.168) as a non-profit organisation (vereniging zonder winstoogmerk) and has its legal seat in Brussels (DARE vzw, c/o Lifelong Learning Platform, Rue de l’Industrie 10, 1000 Brussels).
DARE aims to achieve recognition, visibility and adequate resources for Education for Democratic Citizenship (EDC) and Human Rights Education (HRE) as a core obligation for the formal, non-formal and informal education throughout Europe.
DARE is promoting EDC/HRE as necessary elements of transformative education in order to help Europeans to tackle the socio-political challenges like digital transformation, climate crisis, or co-creating a democratic culture.
DARE has been established to address two shortcomings in the present arrangements for NGOs in Europe carrying out invaluable work in democracy and human rights education:
- the prevalence of NGOs which tend to work in shrinking spaces and without adequate resources, and are therefore inhibited in their access to information, to potential European partners, and to effective lobbying;
- the distance between research and practice, academia and activists, political scientists and educators in EDC/HRE.

We are a community of practice representing different approaches to education. DARE is engaged in:
- Exchange of information, contents, methods and staff;
- Common programmes for education and qualification of staff, board members and volunteers in member organisations;
- Advocacy for education for democratic citizenship and human rights at the Council of Europe and European Union;
- Common projects, exchange on standards and good practice;

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