A new issue of the DARE BLUE LINES has been released. Titled “Innovative Approaches to Overcome Discrimination of Vulnerable Groups”, the brochure documents presentations, inputs and discussions from the 2013 DARE Spring Academy.

The BLUE Lines combine current case studies and educational practice examples on the above topic. As the Spring Academy took place in Slovenja there is a focus on cases and country specific examples from Slovenia being presented but also several studies on the topic from other European countries / groups.
Katarina Vučko introduces the case of the erazed citizens of Slovenia and describes in detail the situation of the inhabitants of other former Yugoslavian states in Slovenja that have lost their citizenship.
Mitja Blažič reports on Homophobic Violence in Slovenia and gives concrete recommendations to further activities related on the issue.
Elena Begant reports on her experiences from the Human Rights Movie Club as tool for educative purposes.
Urška Breznik gives a detailed analyses od alternative youth scenes in Maribor and describes the alternative youth information and counselling centre Pekarna.
Florian Druckenthaler shares his experience of running a 5 days European Grundtvig Workshop on the issue of Group focussed Enmity in a European learning Partnership.
Raquel Santos and Sergio Guijarro from Spanish UNIÓN ROMANÍ describe the project “Women and Participation” which contains the integral empowerment and training of Roma Women living in the most deprived urban areas in Andalusia. Other projects described deal with empowerment of marginalized groups and deliver further short practice examples.
The BLUE LINES are free for download and can be used for further educational purposes.
- Get the full issue: PDF