The digital transformation is challenging the European citizens in multiple ways: As employees at our workspace, as learners of all ages, or as conscious, self-responsible, and democratic citizens. Digital transformation in its effects relates to vast aspects of peoples everyday life. Therefore, the project identifies approaches, topics and tools, how to include and address the thematic field of digital transformation in adult education.
Project period: 09/2019-07/2022
Grundtvig Award 2021 (transnational project)

Competent Citizens in the Focus
Digital competence should enable people to approach these challenges. Adult education for Active Citizenship has a crucial role to play as it supports learners to develop these competences and to participate in society as democratic and confident citizens. However the field of Adult Education has to deal increasingly with an audience/target group which is more and more in a position of exposed to the transformation while not being sufficiently equipped to understand digital transformation in its aspects to democracy, and society.
Understanding the Bigger Picture
Such to develop digital competence goes far beyond media literacy and critical thinking development but pre-requires also a field of Adult Education which itself is confident and able to understand and develop learning concepts that address the democratic challenges and dimensions relating to digital transformation in its full range. Above all stands the belief: It’s the citizen who should design the social change and making use of new technology, not vice versa.
In particular Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education have a potential which our project DIGIT-AL explores and aims to activate. In cross-sectoral collaboration we deliver two handbooks, an app and policy recommendations.
Handbook for Facilitators: Learning the Digital

Competendo Facilitator Handbook: Digital transformation and digital competence from the practice of Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education.
Policy Recommendations
Positions and reflections from the perspective of Education for Democratic Citizenship/ Human Rights Education.

Digital Toolbox and App
The free and open toolbox for democracy learning, digitalisation and non-formal education. During the project we updated and extended the toolbox including new content about digitalisation, tools and materials.

Some Facts about Digital Transformation
Hovering will stop animation. More background information to the topics can be found in the DIGIT-AL brochures.
All materials are available on the project website:

Download: Digit-AL Paper Robot

Outcome of the Project
- A reader on digital transformation as a specific and transversal topic in adult education: this publication explores the horizon of digital transformation and its connection to the practice of Adult Learning for democratic citizenship
- A handbook for educators: Digital competence: What is it? Through what kind of approaches and practices adult learners might gain it and what kind of digital competence adult educators need to develop
- Policy Recommendations targeting at premises of competence frameworks, Adult Education policies in Europe related to digital transformation and learning for democratic citizenship
- An app to support adult educators in their learning settings with concrete and easy adaptable info and concepts for targeting digital transformation in their learning settings
Nils-Eyk Zimmermann, Elisa Rapetti, Georg Pirker
- Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten AdB e.V. (DE) (Coordinator)
- Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe (BE)
- Partners Bulgaria Foundation (BG)
- Centro per la Cooperazione Internazionale (IT)
- Rede Inducar, CRL (PT)
- Education Development Center (LV)

More about DIGIT-AL:
Past information on our website related to the project DIGIT-AL Digital Transformation in Adult Learning for Active Citizenship:
Policy: Improving the Provision of Digital Skills (2022)
DARE network’s feedback to the Proposal for a Council Recommendation on improving the provision of digital skills in education and trainingDate: 2022-09-16 People are in different roles affected by the digital transformation E.g., as users, learners, trainers, employees and active citizens. This multitude of roles that each person takes on demands an approach using themes…
Event and Book Launch: Learning ‘the Digital’ 1st June, 2022 Brussels
Digital competence and pedagogy from the perspective of Education for Democratic Citizenship. Book launch of the facilitator handbook Learning the Digital,presentation of the EAEA working group Digitalisation and Democracy context paper and DARE policy recommendations June 1st, 2022, 15:30-17:30 Representation of Lower Saxony to the European Union Rue Montoyer 61 | 1000 Bruxelles | OpenStreetMap
Facilitator handbook: Learning the digital
Digital transformation and digital competence from the practice of Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education. Created in the frame of the project DIGIT-AL – Digital Transformation in Adult Learning for Active Citizenship M. Oberosler (ed.), E. Rapetti (ed.), N. Zimmermann (ed.), G. Pirker, I. Carvalho, G. Briz, V. Vivona. Competendo Facilitator Handbook 2021/22,…
Discussion: A Healthy Digitalisation for Digital Wellbeing – Nov 30, 2021
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Project DIGIT-AL: Training about Digital Competent Adult Educators in Porto
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Grundtvig Award 2021 ceremony at November 18, 2021
Today the Grundtvig Arward arrived by mail! The jury of the European Association for the Education of Adults selected this year the DIGIT-AL project in the category “transnational”. The project is coordinated by the DARE member Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten and includes the member organisations Rede Inducar, Jan Tonissoni Instituut, EDC Latvia, Partners Bulgaria, CCI Trento…
Grundtvig Award 2021 for the DIGIT-AL project
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Policy Recommendations: Learning the Digital Lifelong
Positions and reflections from the perspective of Education for Democratic Citizenship/ Human Rights Education. From the project DIGIT-AL Digital Transformation in Adult Learning for Active Citizenship. Published: 01/09/2021G. Pirker, D. Kolarova (ed.)58 pages, Brussels 2021 Content Human rights and democracy in the digital world Aims of learning the digital. Digital transformation through lifelong learning Processes,…
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Smart City – Smart Teaching – Our Reader Series about Digital Transformation
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DIGIT-AL Toolbox online
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DIGIT-AL at NECE Campus 2020
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Digital Transformation as Part of Digital Education. Recognize the Systemic Relevance of Civic Education – September 2020
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DIGIT-AL: Smart city, smart work, smart life? Smart teaching!
Towards cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary perspectives on digital transformation. Meeting between education experts in Education for Democratic Citizenship/Human Rights Education with advocates, policy experts, and researchers on digital transformation in Europe between February 24-29, 2020 in Brussels.
DIGIT-AL: Kick-off Meeting of the New Project on Digital Transformation and Adult Learning
The project team from seven partner organizations met in Riga between October 24 – 27, 2019 for the first meeting. The project team discussed the steps of the two year cooperation project DIGIT-AL and planned the first material they aim to be develop together. The Educational Development Center in Riga was hosting the group with…
Project: DIGIT-AL – Digital Transformation in Adult Learning for Active Citizenship
The digital transformation is challenging the European citizens in multiple ways: As employees at our workspace, as learners of all ages, or as conscious, self-responsible, and democratic citizens. Digital transformation in its effects relates to vast aspects of peoples everyday life. Therefore, the project identifies approaches, topics and tools, how to include and address the…