The vision behind the Timor-Leste youth policy strategy formulated in 2007 and re-formulated in 2017 is “to live in a society where young men and women have access to education, health, vocational courses, and are endowed with the moral values of citizenship for a responsible and healthy life. Under the current conditions, a weak economy and public infrastructure and relatively low expenditures for education (116 in the world), it is clear, that this vision can only be put into practice with the active contribution of the youth itself, involving as citizens, creating social capital, where economic capital is not yet available for structural funding. Involving means in this context, co-creating learning spaces for active citizenship, a peaceful and a healthy life in a self-responsible way, where youth might develop the necessary competencies important for their further development. In particular the youth has an important role to play, since East Timor is a country with a growing young population (32 of the world) and high birth rates (27 of the world; CIA The World Factbook).
Continue reading “Project: Empowering SSYS Youth Promoters and Youth Trainers in Timor-Leste”Project: Unsung Hero Dialogues
Project period: 09/19 – 06/22
Democracy places high demands on citizens. Political decisions have an impact on many different areas of life, they often affect future generations or neighboring countries and they are influenced by international and global developments. One sixth of the world’s population is young and the importance of youth participation for the future of economic, societal and political development is widely acknowledged. Democracy education enables young people to recognize and represent their interests, to participate in political processes and, in doing so, to meet their fellow human beings and their concerns with respect. The project DEMOGAMES is based on the didactic approach of game-based learning and applies it to teaching young citizens on democracy.

Project EntreComp 360: Promoting Initiative and Engagement across Sectors
Project period: 09/2019 – 12/2022
This project is supporting actors in all sectors of the lifelong learning system to enhance the development, validation and recognition of the entrepreneurship key competence across lifelong learning. It will do this by creating the Entrepreneurship360 platform as a one-stop-shop to provide guidance, collate tools, share practice, learn through online training and connect those working onthe practical implementation of the EU framework EntreComp into learning and work.

Project: DIGIT-AL – Digital Transformation in Adult Learning for Active Citizenship
The digital transformation is challenging the European citizens in multiple ways: As employees at our workspace, as learners of all ages, or as conscious, self-responsible, and democratic citizens. Digital transformation in its effects relates to vast aspects of peoples everyday life. Therefore, the project identifies approaches, topics and tools, how to include and address the thematic field of digital transformation in adult education.
Project period: 09/2019-07/2022
Grundtvig Award 2021 (transnational project)

Project: Focus Group Competences for Democratic Culture
The Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) was adopted in 2017 and is setting standards for Education for Democratic Citizenship/Human Rights Education in schools. For the NECE network DARE is organizing a focus group aiming to mainstream the framework, together with polis – The Austrian Centre for Citizenship Education in Schools and AdB – Association of German Educational Organisations.
Continue reading “Project: Focus Group Competences for Democratic Culture”Project SemiFit: Seminars for Intercultural Trainers in Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education

SemiFit is a series of fora for experienced trainers in Human Rights Education and Education for Democratic Citizenship. It aims to create a space for experienced trainers from different fields to exchange competences (VASK: Values, Attitudes, Skills, Knowledge) and experience on the different domains of intercultural trainings.
Continue reading “Project SemiFit: Seminars for Intercultural Trainers in Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education”Project TEVIP: Transforming European Values into Practice
The project aimed to develop educational tools that allow to learn something about the so called “European Values”. What is a value and what makes it European? Seems to be an easy question, but while trying to answer, we realize that its actually more difficult the more we think about it. Especially this happens in a Europe, where a common understanding across the member states becomes even less feasible. Between 2017 and 2020 the #TEVIP partners worked on this question and developed educational tools.

STEPS Project – Survival Toolkit: Populism, radicalisation and the response of education
2017/2018 DARE members work on the question how education could respond on current political trends such as populism or post-truth. We discuss these issues from an organisational perpective, taking into account the shrinking spaces for civil society, but as well on the level of concrete pedagogical work.

Engage – Building together European learning material on Citizenship Education

A project which exemplary study policies, frames, settings and conditions for citizenship education with children aged 8 to 12 in six European countries Besides identifying policy frames, approaches, concepts and existing practice the project aims at supporting educational staff with exemplary materials which support interactive, fun, innovative, multilingual democratic learning.
Continue reading “Engage – Building together European learning material on Citizenship Education”