SSYS Youth Promoters for Social Cohesion: Final Workshop in East Timor in June 2022

With the final workshop in Dili (East Timor) the Youth Trainers and Youth Promoters successfully finished an intensive time of training. Youth Trainers are practitioners with experience in youth work, non-formal education, facilitation of group work and dialogue. Youth Promoters are young people involved in organizations, associations and social movements and youth leaders of local, regional or online communities, motivated to make an impact in their societies. The workshops were facilitated by a DARE team, a team from the GIZ office East Timor and the Youth Trainers.

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Event: Entrepreneurship education and active citizenship. Let’s find common ground.

You are invited to an in-person interactive exchange facilitated by DARE network (Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe), Lifelong Learning Platform and (Bantani Education).

The event will take place on June 2nd 2022 from 16:00 to 17:45 in Mundo-Madou (Avenue des Arts 7-8, 1210 Bruxelles) | OpenStreetMap

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DEMOGAMES – Training of Trainers in Timisoara

From 31st of March to 3rd of April 2022, the DEMOGAMES project – Democracy and Games: Analog and Digital Game-Based Learning Tools for Youth Work (2019-2-DE04-KA205-018330) – has organized its Training of Trainers in Romania hosted by the Intercultural Institute of Timisoara.

Involving a group of participants, educational practitioners and youth workers, from Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Romania and the DARE Network, during this meeting we had the opportunity to play and reflect on the learning process of the DEMOGAMES games.

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Movie: Living Memorials – When art meets memory

Premiere: The new historical film, Living Memorials – When Art Meets Memory was created on the occasion of the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the infamous “Wannsee Conference” on January 20th 1942, where the Nazis set up the framework for the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question” in a villa in the Wannsee district of Berlin.

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Unsung Hero Dialogues: Report about the Working Conditions in Civil Society and Non-formal Education

Promoting Solidarity and Diversity through Awareness and Policy Reform. A survey among European NGO workers and activists was initiated in early summer 2020 and ended in September 2021 with a final conference in Erfurt and a final report.

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DEMOGAMES – Youth Training in Almuñécar

From 28th of November to 4th of December 2021, the DEMOGAMES project – Democracy and Games: Analog and Digital Game-Based Learning Tools for Youth Work (2019-2-DE04-KA205-018330) – has organized its youth training in Almuñécar hosted by DA2 Trucados. This is the second youth event after the digital experience hosted online by CGE Erfurt.

Involving a group of participants, organization volunteers and youth leaders from Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Romania and from Greece and Poland representing the DARE Network, during this meeting we had the opportunity to play for the first time some of the DEMOGAMES prototypes and and connect the learning processes of each game with the Competences for Democratic Culture.

In this youth event we had the privilege to try for the first time on the table Utopia Island, a long and complex game that shows players how to start a democracy after a dictatorship in an interesting island. At the same time, we continued developing the Competences for Democratic Culture Cards, recently designed, for which we are finding play modes that support the reflection on interactive and group ways.

Emotions and values came to the gaming tables and to the beach and countryside reflections after each day of gaming. It was a beautiful process that supported confirming the games rules and connecting the educational and gaming process to the young players needs.

The youth group shared interest in contributing to the design and feedback processes of DEMOGAMES. They received extra training on games facilitation and the added value of game based learning. We look forward to receiving their comments from the games they will play with their peers!

After the training ended, we celebrated a project management meeting where we could have a detailed review of the manual for youth workers and set deadlines for the next months of online collaboration towards the Training of Trainers, Manual and MOOC final stages.

(by Ramon Martinez)

EntreComp 360: Partner Meeting in Madrid

With the full energy of an hybrid meeting where parts of a group were able to meet in presence, the EntreComp 360 project team met after a long time again in Madrid. Hosted by Innogate to Europe the coordinators of Bantani Education (BE), Materahub (IT), Not a Bad Idea (FI), The Womens Organisation (UK), DARE Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe (BE) and the project coordinator University of Iceland (IS) were planning the next steps toward the one-stop online platform, guides for specific educational contexts and online courses.

Currently, the launch of the online platform is upcoming, as well as the release of the first guides on how the EntreComp framework might become helpful in non-formal learning and youth work (led by DARE). Also the editorial teams for the next guides were already creating first content: on female entrepreneurship (led by The Womens Organisation) and assessment (led by Bantani/University of Iceland).

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Proactivity, civil engagement, entrepreneurship – for a common pedagogy.

By Nils-Eyk Zimmermann/EntreComp 360

Proactivity and innovation are crucial for the further development of resilient democratic societies. Civil engagement and participation are important elements of active citizenship, a basic condition for an innovative and democratic Europe.

Thus, the Council of Europe’s Charta on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education is putting this active component of civic education at core, aiming to help learners “to play an active part in democratic life”.

Also in the labor context new and sometimes disruptive developments require active responses. We have witnessed various crises in Europe that have particularly affected the youth. As an overall development, digital transformation s challenging workers and enterprises, civil cosiety and citizens. Young citizens need to find ways into the labor market, as employees and maybe also as entrepreneurs.

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