OK, Zoomer: New DARE Online Workshops Series for Citizenship Education with ifa Institute

In the framework of the CrossCulture program of the German ifa institute (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) DARE is offering a workshop series to selected key topics of Education for Democratic Citizenship/Human Rights Education. The goal of the CrossCulture Programme is to strengthen lasting civil society networks between Germany and countries across the globe. The programme was launched in 2005 and now counts over 750 alumni to its ever-growing network.ipants are representing a diversity of countries and perspectives on digital transformation.

The workshops are scheduled always for 90 minutes and are taking place at Oct 6, 2020 (Digital Transformation and Digital Rights), Oct 13, 2020 (Racism, Inequality and Fundamental Rights), Oct 29, 2020 (Game Based Learning for Democracy), and Nov 13, 2020 (Remembrance Work and Historical Political Education).

Limited places for DARE members are available. If you are interested, please contact office@dare-network.eu.

Workshop Digital Transformation and Digital Rights

Tuesday, 6th October, 2020, 2pm (CEST), online

The digital transformation is challenging citizens in Europe and worldwide in multiple ways: As employees at our workspace, as learners of all ages, or as conscious, self-responsible, and democratic citizens. Digital transformation in its effects relates to many aspects of peoples everyday life. Citizenship education has a specific role of empowering citizens for participating in the discussions about sociopolitical challenges.

Such to develop digital competence goes far beyond media literacy and critical thinking development but pre-requires also educators confident and able to understand and develop learning concepts that address the democratic challenges and dimensions relating to digital transformation in its full range – digital transformation as a cultural, social, economic and political process.

Digital competence should enable people to approach these challenges. Therefore, we ask,

  • What digital competence/literacy is not yet sufficiently reflected or under-represented in Europe and in the participants’ societies?
  • Where do we see potentials and good practices?
  • If new technology development depends on critical assessment and constructive participation, what can especially Education for Democratic Citizenship offer?

With Nils-Eyk Zimmermann, project coordinator Digital Transformation in Adult Leanring for Active Citizenship” (DIGIT-AL) for the DARE network (Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe) and the Association of German Educational Organisations (AdB)

Workshop Racism, Inequality and Fundamental Rights

Tuesday, 13th October, 2020, 2pm (CEST), online (open from 1.30 pm)

In this workshop, we will explore different perspectives on racism, inequality, and fundamental rights by discussing experiences and ideas concerning these topics. Together we exchange methods and develop solutions on how to raise self-awareness and better understand these subjects in everyday life.

We suggest watching the video beforehand: TED: The Danger of a single story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

With Omar Akahare, filmmaker, trainer and activist, human and minority rights activist,
Carolina Sachs, M.A. Global Studies, mediator, moderator and trainer. She works as a consultant for international affairs for a youth association, as a freelancer for foundations, associations and meeting centers.

Workshop Game Based Learning for Democracy

Tuesday, 29th October, 2020, 2pm (CEST), online (open from 1.30 pm)

DARE Network found the need to provide educational practitioners in the fields of formal and non formal education more engaging methods for education on human rights and democratic citizenship.

Since 2019 we are engaged in our latest project, DEMOGAMES. Its aim is to research and further develop game based learning while creating a series of tabletop and digital games to engage learners and learn about and through democracy.

During this workshop we will provide a short introduction about game based learning, share a series of examples and showcase our first three DEMOGAMES prototypes.
When interested, this can be also an opportunity for you to contribute to our process providing learning needs to address, joining the playtesting of the games and sharing valuable feedback.

With Ramon Martinez, learning designer and researcher specialized on critical thinking and experiential learning. He believes that fair and diverse societies where active citizens participate in meaningful ways are possible, and works towards that future. Rebecca Welge (demokrative.ch) is researcher at University of Zurich, and a trainer with vast experiences in democracy learning and Betzavta concepts.

Workshop Remembrance Work and Historical Political Education

Tuesday, 13th November, 2020, 2pm (CEST), online (open from 1.30 pm)

In this workshop we will explore the aim of remembrance work in a transnational context, European remembrance work is closely interrelated with various approaches of historical political learning. Learning from the past in order to understand the present, is a word nicely said, but how to deal with it in societies following different narratives, or in regions with largely differing public remembrance culture. How can remembrance work develop into a tool to understand the eminent importance of Human Rights and peace education? We will get to know various approaches of historical political learning, debate pitfals in remembrance culture and try to lead and exchange with examples coming also from the participants concrete experiences.

With Georg Pirker, responsible for international EDC/HRE programs at AdB e.V. (Association of German Educational Organisations). He is experienced in conducting short- and long- term international trainings for professionsals and activitsts in the field if EDC/HRE work and always interested in supporting people to develop means to participate meaningfully in society. NN (Euroclio).

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