Publication: Invest in Civic Competences

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A publication from the Competendo project: Why competency centred learning needs more promotion and what policy, school leadership and civil society can do to facilitate better learning conditions for youth in Europe.

The aim of these reflections and recommendations is to provide a proposal for strengthening competency oriented learning in the European systems and frameworks of education. Especially we broaden the perspective toward all kind of formal, non-formal and informal learning taking place in Europe and relevant for gaining the relevant competencies for acting as a successful citizen or professional, the so called key competencies.

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STEPS Project: Conference on Right-Wing Populism, Post-Factualism and Radicalisation

From 6-12 June 2018 the STEPS consortium and a wide range of  experts from the EDC/HRE and youth field met in Nafplio (Greece) to discuss the key findings of the STEPS project regarding right wing populism, post-factualism and radicalisation and its impact on EDC/HRE.

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Manual for Journalists from DARE member Human Rights Academy

The Human Rights Academy has launched an online manual on intercultural understanding, ethics and human rights to be used by teachers and students in journalism education. It is the result of a long-term partnership between departments of journalism education at universities in Norway, Russia and Sweden, and the Human Rights Academy, a DARE member from Norway.

This is an educational tool for teachers of journalism, media and communication who want to raise the students’ competence on issues related to diversity, intercultural understanding, human rights and ethics. The manual will also be useful for practising journalists, editors, other media workers and students.

Available in English and Russian:

DARE supports the Joint Declaration on Roma Integration Through Europe

Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe – DARE Network signed the JOINT DECLARATION ON ROMA INTEGRATION THROUGH EUROPE. One of Europe’s most vulnerable and discriminated groups should be supported and strengthened by a common effort. Therefore we welcome the EU framework for greater protection against racism and racial discrimination for Roma. Maybe your organization will sign the declaration as well?

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STEPS Project: Experts and practitioners discussed influence of populism on EDC in youth work

From 01.-05. November a group of 25 educators and experts from the STEPS partnership met in Almunecar (ESP) to discuss key findings from 12 national studies on the relationship between populism in politics, radicalisation and de-radicalisation of young people and its contextualisation to EDC/HRE work with young people in 12 European countries.

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Is Youth Work in Europe challenged by populist movements, by post-truth and by radicalisation?

STEPS – Survival Toolkit for EDC in Postfactual Societies – first project workshop

The first meeting of the STEPS project took place from 08.-11.June 2017 at the youth educational centre wannseeForum, Berlin.
26 youth workers who are actively working on EDC/HRE with young people in 16 countries met in order to develop a common frame and understanding of what we name as populist challenge to EDC/HRE.
All over Europe we face the rise of so- called populist/national movements who promote a view on the world which can be characterized as white- supremacy, racist- ideology driven and is heavily contesting any views on society which build on a positive vision of inclusive, diverse, peaceful and HR embracing societies in Europe.
In some countries these ideas are already governmental reality: the comrades Orban, Kaczyński and their adepts actively undermining any ideas and work that develop pluralist based view on society with a EU that is rather helpless in counteracting, in a lot of countries with parties and movements already in power positions on the regional and local levels.

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Learning Democracy with Children Aged 8-12: Handbook for Educators – a new publication in the DARE Blue Lines Series

“ENGAGE- learning democracy with children aged 8-12” (VOL II) is a handbook for educators which introduces and recommends a set of 11 different methods clustered in 3 dimensions for democracy learning with children aged 8 to 12 years.

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