The second phase of DARE network was a EU Lifelong Learning supported GRUNDTVIG network focussing on fostering the capacities of DARE members and the field of non-formal EDC/HRE on three levels:
Advocacy for EDC/HRE
Developing European advocacy concepts for providers of EDC/HRE and developing a resonance space for EDC/HRE on the political level of the EU. The annual DAR conferences in 2008 (EDC/HRE and Intercultural Dialogue, 2009 (Poverty as a task for EDC) and 2010 (A Europe of Active Citizens) brought together more than 900 people from Organisations, Policy levels and research to soundly discuss issues of educational practice and policy development.
A highlight of the Advocacy activities of DARE was a Hearing in the European Parliament, initiated by the Education and Culture commission of the European parliament in 2009.
Exchange of Research and Educational Practice
Aimed at building bridges between the fields of Citizenship Research institutes / projects and the level of grassroots educational practice in Adult learning: One of the efforts made was the participation of the DARE network in the LLL- EDC study – Lifelong learning for Democratic Citizenship in Adult Education, a Grundtvig research project led by the University of Aarhus from 2008 – 2009.
The development of common projects
Aimed a fostering the debate on quality of educational concepts and supported the further cooperation between the network members.
By help of the EU funding in these almost reached its potential to become a key NGO for EDC/HRE on the European level.