DARE network – Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe supports the recommendations of the Lifelong Learning Platform.
Continue reading “Investment in education. DARE welcomes the position of Lifelong Learning Platform”Project: LICEAL: Linking Citizenship and Employability Perspectives in Adult Learning
Liceal aims to support adult learners, particularly those who face difficulties in the labour market and social marginalisation, to develop social, civic and relational skills which may contribute to their social inclusion and active participation in democratic life as well as to their employability.
Continue reading “Project: LICEAL: Linking Citizenship and Employability Perspectives in Adult Learning”Creating a European community for entrepreneurship, active citizenship and creative education: EntreComp 360 project meeting in Brussels
The aim of the EntreComp360 project is to promote proactivity and initative – entrepreneurship in the meaning of the European competence framework EntreComp – in education and training.
Continue reading “Creating a European community for entrepreneurship, active citizenship and creative education: EntreComp 360 project meeting in Brussels”Guide: Networking and Collaboration
Created in the project EntreComp 360, coordinated by Haskoli Island, supported by the European Union. With contributions of Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe, Haskoli Island, Bantani Education, Consorzio Materahub Industrie Culturali e Creative, Innogate to Europe SL, The Women’s Organisation Ltd , and Not a Bad Idea Ltd.
Editor: Nils-Eyk Zimmermann (DARE network). Editorial support: Lisa Mc Mullan (The Women’s Organisation) and Candice Astorino (Bantani Education); Reykjavík/Liverpool, 2022
Promotion of democratic education as integral element of strong democracy : DARE network supports Civil Society Europe’s proposal to the Defence of Democracy Package (2022)
The European Commission aims to “put forward a defence of democracy package to deepen the action under the European Democracy Action Plan to promote free and fair elections, to step up the fight against disinformation and to support media freedom and pluralism, including by developing civic space and citizen participation to bolster democratic resilience from within”.
Our partners from Civil Society Europe have recently published preliminary proposals from Civil Society.
Event: Being Entrepreneurial 2022. A celebration of entrepreneurial learning. EntreComp Awards
21-22/11/2022, Av. de l’Yser 5, 1040 Etterbeek, Belgium
More info and registration: Being Entrepreneurial 2022. A celebration of entrepreneurial learning across Europe. EntreComp Awards Ceremony.
This is a one-day conference offering networking, insights and interactive workshops that will explore being entrepreneurial across all sectors of lifelong learning and linked to themes from digitalisation and green transition to gender equality and social innovation. It is a celebration of all the work being done by partners and networks from across Europe, all connected to The EntreComp Community.
Continue reading “Event: Being Entrepreneurial 2022. A celebration of entrepreneurial learning. EntreComp Awards”Policy: Improving the Provision of Digital Skills (2022)
DARE network’s feedback to the Proposal for a Council Recommendation on improving the provision of digital skills in education and training
Date: 2022-09-16
People are in different roles affected by the digital transformation
E.g., as users, learners, trainers, employees and active citizens. This multitude of roles that each person takes on demands an approach using themes and varied tools for framing and understanding the digital transformation.
Continue reading “Policy: Improving the Provision of Digital Skills (2022)”DemoDice – App for Dice-based Storytelling
Storytelling and Democracy learning combined in a dice game – how does that work? After 2 years of intense brainwork testing we can assure: storytelling and dice games work pretty well for learning Democracy. Together with Amanda Warner and the game developers team from our Erasmus + project DemoGames – the Democracy Learning Box we are proud to present DemoDice.
Dice-based storytelling
From 1 to 10 players reflect and exchange their experience with democracy, as well as their desires and ideas for a more democratic future. The standard set includes 9 dice with six symbols each.
- Three dices on democracy as a political system (participation, rule of law, basic/human rights),
- Three dices on individuals and interactions (actors, emotions, power relations),
- Three dice on contextual factors (social policy areas, places, challenges and threats to democracy).
- Special dice are available on sustainability and the pandemic.
The game can be played with or without more detailed information about the symbols and its various meanings.
Test it:
Install Apple Store | Google Play Store
The free and non-commercial app DemoDice is based on the analogue DemoDice game, which has been developed by DARE member demokrative.
How to play Read the rulebook
DARE Participates in EU-Laos Civil Society Dialogue
On July 11th, DARE had the opportunity to participate in the EU coordinated civil society seminar in connection to the EU-Lao PDR Human Rights Dialogue 2022 in Brussels. The seminar brought together representatives of Lao civil society organizations, Lao government representatives, EU-based civil society organizations and European Union representatives to discuss youth development and participation.
Continue reading “DARE Participates in EU-Laos Civil Society Dialogue”SSYS Youth Promoters for Social Cohesion: Final Workshop in East Timor in June 2022
With the final workshop in Dili (East Timor) the Youth Trainers and Youth Promoters successfully finished an intensive time of training. Youth Trainers are practitioners with experience in youth work, non-formal education, facilitation of group work and dialogue. Youth Promoters are young people involved in organizations, associations and social movements and youth leaders of local, regional or online communities, motivated to make an impact in their societies. The workshops were facilitated by a DARE team, a team from the GIZ office East Timor and the Youth Trainers.
Continue reading “SSYS Youth Promoters for Social Cohesion: Final Workshop in East Timor in June 2022”