The publication is introducing different methods of facilitating Human Rights Education and Education for Democratic Citzenship. A training documentation.
Continue reading “Methodologies of Human Rights Education, Training Documentation”Pathways Interconnecting History Education and Democratic Citizenship Education
Why is History Education in Europe so closely connected with Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education? Why does lifelong learning play a crucial role for integrating the national concepts of history, remembrance and citizenship into a European perspective? And how does the impact of the 1989 regime changes shape these concepts? Which theories and practical tools have already been developed to include this European dimension into local, regional, and national projects? These questions are the guiding stars of this DARE Blue Line publication.
Continue reading “Pathways Interconnecting History Education and Democratic Citizenship Education”Fundraising Strategies for European EDC/HRE Initiatives
The publication “Fundraising strategies for European initiatives in the field of Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education” aims to highlight the EU policy framework in the field of EDC/HRE and to discuss successful fundraising strategies employed by stakeholders in the field. It is a result of a focus meeting jointly organized by DARE – Democracy and Human Rights Education in Adult Learning, IUC Europe and Humanity in Action.
Continue reading “Fundraising Strategies for European EDC/HRE Initiatives”For a coherent policy frame for Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights in Europe: Education and Culture Commission of the European Parliament – Apr 2009
- Presentation to CULT Commission of the European Parliament on Thursday, 2 April 2009 by Frank Elbers (DARE Network)
Intercultural Dialogue – Challenge for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education – Nov 2008
- In the frame of the European conference, “Intercultural Dialogue – Challenge for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education”
- Co-organised by the DARE network within its EU-funded project Democracy and Human Rights Education in Adult Learning, the Council of Europe DG IV, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture (bmukk) and Zentrum POLIS
- 230 people from 37 European countries representing the broad field of NGO practice, research and policy level attended the event
- Vienna, 14-16 November 2008
Recommendations for an evaluation of the “European Year of Citizenship through Education” (EYCE) – Apr 2006
- A common statement of EACEA and DARE
- April 2006
Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe (Grundtvig network 2007-2010)
The second phase of DARE network was a EU Lifelong Learning supported GRUNDTVIG network focussing on fostering the capacities of DARE members and the field of non-formal EDC/HRE on three levels:
Continue reading “Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe (Grundtvig network 2007-2010)”
Democracy and Human Rights In Adult Learning (Grundtvig network 2003-2006)
The DARE network was successfully established by support of the EU Socrates program as GRUNDTVIG network from 2003-2006.
The fund enabled the participating organisations for developing common working groups on policy and for the exchange of pedagogical concepts with the ambition to support the European cooperation of Adult learning organisations in EDC/HRE work and foster the dialogue on European policy development for the sector.
During 2005 the European NECE conference was organised in Berlin with DARE as partner.