We all belong: The role of GCE in supporting democratic participation and addressing current global challenges. Pointers for improvement and further recommendations. DARE supports SOLIDAR Foundation’s intiative.
At the Policy Level
- Increase the involvement of CSOs in the development of GCE strategies to ensure their relevance.
- Promote the participation of all actors of the school community (e.g., through a whole school approach) in the implementation of GCE at the school level.
- Ensure that funding opportunities are available in the medium- and long-term for GCE initiatives as part of a national strategy.
- Provide training and capacity building opportunities about GCE not only to teachers, but also to policymakers, school leaders, and all actors involved in formal education.
- Support higher education institutions to produce timely and evidence-informed research on GCE implementation in formal and non-formal education.
- Foster avenues for collaboration among formal, non-formal, and informal education providers based on a lifelong learning approach to GCE.
At the Practice Level
- Open spaces for dialogue and collective reflection to identify potential pitfalls in the GCE practice.
- Inform GCE practitioners with a decolonial, transnational, and intersectional approach to ensure that GCE is accessible and inclusive.
- Adopt decolonial and intersectional approaches to GCE as part of curriculum development in formal and non-formal education.
- Maintain avenues for collaboration among formal, non-formal, and informal education
providers based on a lifelong learning approach to GCE.
DARE’s Perspective
Democratisation-related Learning in a Global Context
In particular, the DARE network emphasises the relevance of democracy and human rights education as an integral part of global citizenship education and, conversely, advocates for an integrated global dimension in democracy and human rights education.
Our societies are challenged by several transformations with global impact – ecology, climate, digitalisation, transnational economy or migration. To address these in a democratic way, we need to see education for democratic citizenship/human rights education and global education as interrelated elements.