European Space for Citizenship Education: An Important Initiative

The DARE networks welcomes the effort of the Council of Europe to create a European Space for Citizenship Education (ESCE) during the next two years.

In close cooperation with the Council of Europe Education Department, the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Movement, the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and the Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK), DARE was involved in co-organising the Launching Conference of the European Space for Citizenship Education in Berlin from 17-18 October 2024.

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Open letter to Council of Europe’s AI Convention negotiators: Do not water down our rights

DARE network calls on the State Parties and the EU negotiating the text of the Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights, the Rule of Law and Democracy to equally cover the public and private sectors and reject blanket exemptions regarding national security and defense.

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Supporting the Voice of Antiracism in Europe: DARE signed letter against the diffamation of the ENAR network

Supporting the voice of antiracism in Europe – the honourable ENAR network. DARE signed the support letter against the diffamation of antiracist work by François-Xavier Bellamy (European People’s Party) as “radical”. We and 57 other organisations request to denounce MEPs for using Parliamentary premises to defame and slander civil society organisations. As a concrete and hopefully efficient measure the open letter asks the EP to participate in Anti-Racism and Diversity Week.

Promotion of democratic education as integral element of strong democracy : DARE network supports Civil Society Europe’s proposal to the Defence of Democracy Package (2022)

The European Commission aims to “put forward a defence of democracy package to deepen the action under the European Democracy Action Plan to promote free and fair elections, to step up the fight against disinformation and to support media freedom and pluralism, including by developing civic space and citizen participation to bolster democratic resilience from within”.

Our partners from Civil Society Europe have recently published preliminary proposals from Civil Society.

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Policy: Improving the Provision of Digital Skills (2022)

DARE network’s feedback to the Proposal for a Council Recommendation on improving the provision of digital skills in education and training

Date: 2022-09-16

People are in different roles affected by the digital transformation

E.g., as users, learners, trainers, employees and active citizens. This multitude of roles that each person takes on demands an approach using themes and varied tools for framing and understanding the digital transformation.

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Open Letter: Abolish manipulative dark patterns and creepy online ads – Digital Services Act (DSA)

DARE signed the open letter of 72 European organisations. The debate in the European Parliament about the Digital Services Act (DSA) brought some important amendments for citizens, especially in regards to dark patterns (new article 13a) and targeting and amplification techniques in platforms (article 24). After the EP the DSA is now in the trilogue, where EU commision, member states and European Parliament negotiate.

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DARE stands in solidarity with Ukraine

Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe (DARE network) strongly condemns the current political regime in Russia’s attack on Ukraine. This unprovoked use of military force against the country, the people and the elected government of Ukraine, a sovereign European state, shakes the foundations of peace and democratic coexistence in Europe and and directly opposes our fundamental convictions of human rights and the democratic processes on which Europe is built (e.g., Helsinki Final Act, OSCE process, European Convention on Human Rights). The attack violates international law, and is against the Russian constitution, art. 10, prohibition of propaganda of war and of Russia’s criminal code, art. 353, initiation of war.

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