On invitation of the project coordinator University of Iceland we were kicking off EntreComp360. During the next 3 years we will build a one stop shop platform for all Entrecomp related tools, practices, methodology, projects, and communities.
We bring together the information, guidance and support on developing civil engagement and entrepreneurship-related competences, based on the European competency framework EntreComp. It puts emphasis onto ideation and creativity, initiative and cooperation, pulling together different resources and mobilising people and teams.
In a diverse and inspiring partnership between higher education, Education for Democratic Citizenship, entrepreneurship education, research, and consultancy we are going to build a community of users across education, youth-work, adult learning, employment and business sectors to share and grow together. Designed to develop an entrepreneurial approach to a wide range of learning settings, the EntreComp framework is increasingly being used in a lot of different learning and educational contexts such as civic education, volunteering and youth work, as well as re-skilling and up-skilling adults and to rethink hiring and recruitment.
The next steps are a survey in order to map the landscape of proactive pedagogy in youth and adult education in Europe, in order to gain a picture about the needs and manyfold good practices in the education community relevant for EntreComp – or for whom EntreCom might become relevant.
The project is supported by the European Union in the frame of a Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership in the field of Higher Education
More information provide on behalf of the DARE network:
Nils-Eyk Zimmermann and Ramon Martinez entrecomp360@dare-network.eu