SemiFit is a series of three seminars for intercultural trainers in Human Rights Education. DARE members and freelancing trainers selected through an open call met and shared their approaches and criteria for enhancing the quality of education regarding empowerment and civic competencies of individuals. They discussed the topic from three perspectives. First, the quality dimension regarding the individual trainer following the E.T.S. Second, the quality conditions in planning and managing cooperation between different partners in projects and programs. Third, the qualitative aspects perceived from the perspective of Education for Democratic Citizenship/Human Rights Education
The exchange took place on December 1-6, 2018 in Almuñécar, Spain. It was supported by a funding of European Commission (Erasmus + programme).
SemiFiT is supported by the European Union Erasmus+ Youth In Action Programme, Project Number 2018 – 2 DE04-KA105-016879 and is coordinated by AdB