Project: EDC for All (2013-2015)

The project EDC for All – qualifying and mainstreaming Education for Democratic Citizenship within Europe aimed at the transfer of EDC (Education for Democratic Citizenship) relevant policies, methods and support mechanisms in an European context.

Policy Concepts

Concepts from the European level of the Council of Europe (CoE) have been explored, transferred and applied to the national contexts of Portugal and Germany, new educational easy accessible games on the concepts of justice and inclusion have been created, published and tested extensively within the project.

Peer visits to and reviews of places of EDC

Visits with young people in Europa and Germany have helped to contribute for a strategy development for the creation of an EDC youth centre in the municipality of Sintra/PT.


The games deal with a situative approach and support the development of ambuigity-tolerance, empathy and the experience of self-efficacy.

Publication: Qualifying and Mainstreaming Education for Democratic Citizenship

EDC for All Report: Qualifying and Mainstreaming Education for Democratic Citizenship in Europe

German and Portuguese Translations and Contextualisations

The project transferred into German and Portuguese context the following publications of the Council of Europe.

The Charter for All is a brochure aimed at young people that displays the contents of the Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education. After a contextualization about the Council of Europe and the process which developed the Charter itself the brochure presents and explores 5 key principles [Value diversity – Include everyone – Give everybody equal chances – Respect Human Dignity – Live in peace] and ways to implement them in schools and youth associations. The brochure can be used by young people autonomously or can be a tool to be used in groups.

Charter for All Training Pack The brochure for young people is accompanied by a manual for educators to support the implementation of educational projects and refers to other fundamental manuals on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education. The pack also includes a poster that can be used to explore and (re)affirm the content of the Charter.

Have Your say! Manual on the Revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life. The resulting educational tool of the implementation of the European Charter on the Participation of Youth in Local and Regional Life of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the European Council. The manual is aimed at youth workers, youth leaders, association leaders and other people connected with the youth sector.

Project Partners

The EDC for All! [2013-1-PT1-LEO05-15769] has been funded with support from the European Commission.