Project DIYW-ROAD: Digital Youth Work – rights sensitive, open, accessible and democratic

Digital transformation is a process that affects the whole of society – the economy, the state, politics, civil society or the environment. In order to empower young people to go beyond ‘catching up’ or ‘getting to know’ digital infrastructures and technologies, a pedagogy of ‘the digital’ is needed that supports them to co-determine how digitalisation should evolve in terms of democratic and sustainable development and in the areas in which they are civically engaged. Education for Democratic Citizenship/Human Rights Education can make a meaningful contribution to digital youth work.

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Project: LICEAL: Linking Citizenship and Employability Perspectives in Adult Learning

Liceal aims to support adult learners, particularly those who face difficulties in the labour market and social marginalisation, to develop social, civic and relational skills which may contribute to their social inclusion and active participation in democratic life as well as to their employability.

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